Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Real Property

Fee Simple Absolute
Defeasible Fees Simple
 Life Estates
Future Interests
Vested Remainders
Contingent Remainders
Executory Interests
Possibilities of Reverter
Powers of Termination
Rules Affecting Future Interests
Tenancy In Common
Joint Tenancy
Relations Among Co-Tenants
Alienability, Descendability, Divisibility
Assignment and Subletting
Lease Termination and Breach
Habitability and Suitability
Rule Against Perpetuities
Special Future Interest Problems
Covenants At Law And In Equity
Creation of A Real Covenant
Creation of an Equitable Servitude
Types of Easements
Creation of Easements
Real Estate Brokerage Contracts
The Statute of Frauds and Exceptions
Essential Terms In A Real Estate Sales Contract
Remedies for Breach Breach of Real Estate Sales Contract
Marketability of Title and Equitable Conversion
Options and Rights of First Refusal
Fitness and Suitability, Merger
Mortgages Including Deeds of Trust
Security Relationships (Title Theory, Lien Theory, and Intermediate)
Transfers By Mortgagor (Subject To and Assuming)
Application of Subrogation and Suretyship Principals
Due on Sale Clauses, Transfers By Mortgagee, Payment Discharge and Defenses
Foreclosure (Omitted Parties & Surplus and Deficiency)
Redemption After Foreclosure & Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure
Adverse Possession
Transfer By Deed (Warranty Deed, Non-Warranty Deed, Covenants For Title)
Transfer by Operation of Law and Will
Title Assurance Systems (Indexes, Chain of Title, Protected Parties, Priorities, Title Insurance) and Recording Statutes (Race, Notice and Race-Notice)
Special Problems (After Acquired Title, Estoppel By Deed, Forged / Undelivered Deeds, Purchase Money Mortgages, Tax and Judgment Liens)